
1.2.2: Add shortcode review stats
New attributes for amazon shortcodes

1.2.1: Fix share link Whatsapp and Telegram
Add rel nofollow exit modal

1.2.0: Choose 2 styles of displaying the listings of entries
Add the exit modal sale
Pull out product listings by providing the ASIN separated by commas
Add author box in the PAGES
Option to sort RANDOM clusters

1.1.11: New parameters automation amazon

1.1.10: Fix image featured in pages

1.1.9: Fix rest path in WP installations in different folders
Fix sites with tons of post

1.1.8: Fix Amazon shortcodes automatization
Fix compatibility issues with Yoast SEO
Fix Media Librery in Page (classic editor)

1.1.7: Amazon shortcodes automatization improved

1.1.6: Breadcrumb RankMath
new customize product box
fix amazon automation

1.1.5: slider table vertical amazon
new style rating
fix amazon automation

1.1.4: fix bug shortcodes Gutenberg
new style cluster
show/hide license key

1.1.3: fix bugs CSS

1.1.2: add super menu
new style pros&cons
add rating in tables
new shortcodes

1.1.1: fix bug amazon shortcode

1.1.0: add amazon shortcode (works API & NO API)

1.0.1: fix pagination

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